Voici le second et dernier set d'affiches du prolifique hellgab, qui nous offrait hier une série d'affiches illustrant les jeux de la licence Zelda préférés de l'artiste. Même "punition", de belles créations accompagnées d'un petit texte illustrant des moments clés, des phrases cultes, issus des jeux "Zelda". Enjoy!

Those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit ot the hero... Thay are eternally bound to this curse...
- Skyward Sword

All is well in this age! You may return without worry. We shall never forget you...
- Oracle of the Ages

I knew that you would save me. Now the seasons shall return to normal...
- Oracle of Seasons

The Four Sword is the only blade that can contain the wind mage...
- Four Swords Adventures

Embrace your wayfaring ways my son! To my son, here's the only way to sail through the foggy passage...
- Phantom Hourglass

A long, long time ago, when the world was on the verge of being swallowed by shadow... The tiny Picori appeared from the sky, bringing the hero of men a sword and a golden light...
- The Minish Cap

And you are only human...
- Spirit Tracks

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