Bon que vous dire...En anglais, on nous a demandé de faire un exposé sur un sujet ayant rapport avec le cinéma. Forcément Tétris et moi avons essayé de détourner la chose à notre avantage. Et comme le jeu vidéo et le cinéma sont de plus en plus proches aujourd'hui...nous avons décidé de nous intéresser à la narration quasiment cinématographique aujourd'hui dans ce média. Avec la limite de temps, nous ne sommes pas rentrés à fond dans le sujet car cela aurait été barbant. Si après, ils veulent eux même découvrir cette narration, ils n'auront qu'à jouer. Na !
J'ai lancé l'article en anglais car j'en suis fier ! Et je vous emmerde !








A narrative is a story that is created in a constructive format that describes a sequence of fictional or non-fictional events. The arrival of the video games media created news opportunities for storytellers. What are the foundations of a narratological conception of video games ?





[QUESTION] What's a video game ?

A video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device.


[QUESTION] What's the strength of video games ?

Indeed what makes video games unique, is it interactivity. Classical media such as cinema or literature narrates a story to the audience in one way while video games involve directly the player giving him choices and junctions. But if this is true for the most of a game, some segment are specifically made to progress in the storyline. These are called cut scenes.


Opening Cut Scene

Once a player has started up the game, he generally watches the opening cut scene. This not only provides him with the dramatic context, but also states the rules of the game, establishing a range of desirable action and thus drawing the boundaries of his space of possibilities and his expectations.





The quest of the narrativity

 We can see different forms of narration depending of the type of game we are playing:

→ very few story and a lots of possibilities. (example: The Sims)

→ quite a lot of story and lots of possibilities (example: Grand Theft Auto)

→ Lots of stories and quite a lot choices (example: Fallout)

→ A max of stories and very few choices (example: Heavy Rain)


The destiny of the hero

The key of video games narration is the interactivity : as the player is controlling the character, he becomes an actor. There is no need to introduce him, the identification is immediate.
In Bioshock, that state is more on ever true: we never see the face of our character, we don't even know his name, yet the revelations on his past empathies the player and lead us toward our dark destiny.




(Il s'agissait en réalité de faire découvrir un chapitre d'Heavy Rain aux spectateurs et de les faire jouer.) Ce fut un succès. Beaucoup nous ont posé des questions par la suite sur les jeux comme Flower ou Mirror's Edge...J'ai envie de dire Mission Complete !