Bonjour @ tous,

voila un mail récent que j'ai reçu de la part de BeamDog:


Dear Friends of Baldur's Gate,

When we first announced Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, You set fire to our servers and we were overwhelmed by the huge wave of support from the fans of the original game.

Once the fires had subsided, thousands of you posted suggestions and requests on our forums. Dozens of volunteers from all over the world helped us improve game play, squash bugs, and generally fine-tune the game. Even more came to help work on translations from English to more than 16 other languages.

Executing on our plan to make the best Baldur's Gate possible and responding to that overwhelming feedback, we've added new characters, areas, and story, creating many new hours of game play. Yet the suggestions, fixes, and translations continue, and more volunteers keep joining.

After recently reviewing the game and then consulting with our partners, we've decided to ensure that Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition is the best possible product on launch. Thus, we have pushed back the release date of the game. Our release date is now November 30th, 2012.

To all who have pre-ordered, we ask for your patience as we move toward our final release date.We will be working on something a little extra for you. To all who have volunteered, we thank you for your dedication and support.

Trent Oster
President, Overhaul Games

En français cela donne:

Le jeu a été repoussé pour le 30 novembre 2012. Beamdog veut perfectionner baldur's gate Enchanced Edition et donc a besoin de plus de temps pour ajouter des suggestions, améliorer le jeu, ...

Dans ce mail, il faut savoir que tout ceux qui ont pré-commandé le jeu auront peut-être un petit plus.

Espérons que cela sera la seule fois où la sortie du jeu sera repoussé, comme tout le monde , je suis très impatient de mettre la main sur cette petite merveille et d'en faire un test pour le comparer à l'ancienne version de baldur's gate *-*