Alors que tous les joueurs crient aux scandalent et pleurent devant les annonces de la Xbox One, d'autres, eux, se frottent les mains. Je parle bien sûr des dirigeants de Sony et plus particulièrement de Kaz Hirai.

Microsoft says the XBOX ONE will self destruct if you don't connect it to the Innternet every 48 hours

Microsoft needs you to contact them every day and proof that you're lending your game to "just a friend." They're like a paranoid girlfriend

Microsoft say you can give an XBOX One disc game to a friend, but only if you can prove they you are totally BFFs

Apparently the biggest gaming news this week was me saying that the PS4 is a game console. I can also confirm that a Bravia TV is a TV

CEO Kaz Hirai

Source : twiter (compte parodique)